~Photos Page~
Photos We Have Received
Are you reading the Look For Me series in exotic or unusual places around the world? Send us a photo that has an interesting background that helps identify where you are. Hold it up next to your smile, prop it against a landmark, whatever you think will warm our hearts. Send photos to dougkirk@gvtc.com.

"The Look For Me series is at the White House."

New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

San Antonio, Texas, USA

Pensacola, Florida, USA

Anchorage, Alaska, USA

The ladies at the Lip Lounge are all smiles about the Look For Me Series. Corina Wells (the biggest smile) was cast to act in our motion picture trailer project—to play Mary, the young Mary and the older Mary. If you are near 3628 Main Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada, drop in to the Lip Lounge. (Photo By Lisa Mu)

The Look For Me books have made it to Puerto Rico. But, Missing You seems to be missing!

The Look For Me series has made it to the Austin Film Meet in Austin, Texas. H. Cherdon is displaying her copies of the books.

Linda Coones took the second set of Look For Me books on vacation to Colorado with her. Linda is one of the editors of the series.

A mystery couple posing an an undisclosed location holding six of Doug's books. They have the original Look For Me Series and two of the Land of The Nunch series.

The books have made it to the San Juan National Historic Site in Puerto Rico.


The Look For Me books at a castle in Deutschland--in the ice and snow. Thank you Sandy!

The Chicago Girl loves the books.

Emi is in vintage costume to read her books.

Is it Cañon City , Colorado, or Canyon City, Texas?

Texas State Representative Kyle Biedermann, Dist. 73.

Jade in Austin, Texas.

This is Barbi, in Texas