"You pick up the travel, we'll pick up the gavel."
Douglas Kirk is available to speak to you, your group, or your organization, worldwide, with minor exceptions. (There ARE some places Irishmen just don't go.)
The objective is to promote the book series, but it can be much more than that if your group wants to hear from an accomplished writer on the craft of writing or the art of photography. Doug's 119 industry awards didn't just happen. Sometimes he gets it right.
The catch is simple. First, fill out the form below and request a date (be flexible - scheduling can be tricky).
Second, you have to pay for the travel, lodging and at least one good meal during Doug's visit. In return, you get a guy who likes to talk as much as he likes to write. And, he'll bring his camera, of course, since he never goes anywhere without it. Photo shoots? They can be arranged.
Please provide Details of your Request below:
View an interview of Doug Kirk by Mo'Deja Navarro:
View a one-hour writing seminar Doug recently presented:
Listen to Doug's 7-minute speech on the Sixteen Most Powerful Words: